How do I know if a car has been stolen or has fines?

If you are thinking of buying a second-hand car, one of the most important steps before closing the deal is to make sure the vehicle is free of legal problems. Knowing whether a car has been stolen or has outstanding fines is crucial to avoid unpleasant surprises in the future. In this article, we explain how to check a vehicle’s history and make sure everything is in order.

Why is it important to check a car’s history?

Buying a used car without knowing its history can lead to legal and financial problems. A stolen car can be impounded by the authorities, leaving you without the vehicle and at a great financial loss. On the other hand, if the car has outstanding fines or is repossessed, you could be liable for those debts.

In addition, the car’s history also provides you with information about its maintenance, previous accidents, and any other problems that may affect its performance or value.

Steps to find out if a car has been stolen

There are different methods to check if a car has been stolen. Here are the most effective steps to obtain this information.

1. Consult the DGT report

The Dirección General de Tráfico (DGT) is the main entity in Spain in charge of registering all the information related to vehicles. To get a detailed report on a car, you can request a Vehicle Report through their website. This report will give you information about the owner of the car, its current status, and if there are any incidents, such as theft.

The process is simple: all you need is the registration number or VIN of the car you want to check. In a matter of minutes, you will have access to the vehicle’s history. You can find more details on how to request this report on the DGT website.

2. Check in stolen vehicle databases

Another option is to check databases that compile information on stolen cars. There are several websites and applications that allow you to check whether a car has been reported stolen in Spain or in other countries. These databases are usually updated by the authorities and insurance companies, which gives you an additional layer of security.

This type of enquiry is particularly useful if you are buying a car from a private individual and want to be absolutely sure that the vehicle does not have a criminal record.

How to check if a car has outstanding fines?

In addition to making sure that the car has not been stolen, it is essential to check whether it has any outstanding fines or penalties that could be transferred to the new owner.

1. Request a Traffic Report

As well as checking whether a car has been stolen, you can request a report from the DGT to see if there are any outstanding fines associated with the vehicle. This report will give you details of any financial penalties that are linked to the car, and allow you to make sure that you will not be liable to pay those fines once you buy the vehicle.

2. Consult the BOE database

Another way to check if a car has fines is to consult the Official State Gazette (BOE), which publishes fines when they have not been notified to the owner. By entering the car’s registration number, you can check if there are any published fines that have not yet been paid or managed.

What to do if you discover problems in the history?

If you discover during the checks that the car has problems, such as outstanding fines or a theft report, it is best not to proceed with the purchase. These problems can lead to legal or financial complications that could cause you to lose the vehicle or incur additional costs.

If the car has outstanding fines, it is important to talk to the current owner to ensure that these fines are paid before closing the transaction.

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